How ChatGPT elevated "fake it 'til you make it" to a whole new level

It was almost Christmas when somebody forwarded an email to me. It was an open call by a Hungarian student organization to an Israeli renewable energy hackathon. Knowing that I’d always made good memories while attending hackathons, I applied by sending an essay and my CV and eventually got invited to the second round. There, we had two hours to come up with and present an innovative idea. Although my idea was mediocre (a green community-focused bank only investing in renewable projects and implicitly enforcing regulations), I became one of the two Hungarian delegates....

April 1, 2023 · 3 min · Daniel

On the journey of making Angular inputs reactive

Background If you have been using Angular for some time, you must know that many core functionalities are coupled with RxJS. Whether this is good or not is the subject of another post. Yet, it is clearly inconvenient when some other core feature does not play well with RxJS. One of the most notable examples is @Input. It is arguably one of the fundamental parts of the framework. Still, there is no way to turn these properties into observables....

January 2, 2023 · 7 min · Daniel

The running platform that never ran

Apart from my usual activities, this year I devoted a significant portion of my time to another project. Its codename was (like race center, or race enter, or race entry), and it was meant to revolutionize the endurance sports event experience. During the one-year-long period, there were emotional ups and downs, and I learned a ton about business, startups, human nature, and tech. In this blog post, I’ll try to summarize the story....

December 26, 2022 · 15 min · Daniel